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#blackouttuesday not just a trend

Updated: May 29

You'll find lists of bipoc (black, indigenous, people of colour) cosmetics brands, skincare brands, fashion brands, creators/creatives.

I intend to make it a regular fixture of this blog to feature a bipoc brand or creator/creative to check out so that we can all broaden our knowledge of brands and creator/creatives from backgrounds other than our own.

Let's highlight, support and listen to these brands and brand owners. It shouldn't just be a tokenistic trend.

A list of BIPOC cosmetics brands on a background photo of Polynesian Islands
BIPOC cosmetics brands

A list of BIPOC skincare brands on a background photo of Polynesian Islands
BIPOC skincare brands

A list of BIPOC fashion brands on a background photo of Polynesian Islands
BIPOC fashion brands

A list of BIPOC creators on a background photo of Polynesian Islands
BIPOC creators

A list of Aborignal owned businesses on a background photo of Polynesian Islands
Aborignal owned businesses

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